January 1, 2019
December 30, 2018

I have completed my Goodreads challenge for the first time since 2015, just in time.

Oh. My. God. They discontinued Total Rasin Bran. Like 2 yeas ago.

December 29, 2018

Salads, noodles, trees, Elsa, street market food… Seems like a pretty on brand Top 9.

Salads, noodles, trees, Elsa, street market food… Seems like a pretty on brand Top 9.

December 28, 2018

A nation of cowards, operating on fears of status threat, using the state’s machinery to pull the ladder up behind us, robbing generations of humans, who happen to not be white, of the opportunity and dignity we falsely promoted as American greatness features.propublica.org/ms-13-imm…

I have had this little motivation to do something in a very long time.

Are there any reasons I should keep using my own server and nginx stuff for a static site over Netlify?

I’m kind of over doing git push, ssh, git pull, hugo for each blog post.

Also, I just found out my hugo blog works totally fine with title-free posts, which I kind of love. But I may write something that gives them titles anyway but hides it if I add micro to the metadata. Haven’t decided that bit.

For years I couldn’t get @LastFm working with @Spotify. Just constant log in errors. I finally went somewhere that got the log in to work, and I’m scrobbling consistently for the first time in a long time. Sad at the amount of history I’ve lost.

A quick inventory of things I currently subscribe to (prices per year):

  1. Washington Post ($48)
  2. Netflix ($132)
  3. Hulu ($144)
  4. DirecTV Now (mostly for my mother-in-law) ($180)
  5. Amazon Prime ($99)
  6. Spotify ($180)
  7. Overcast ($10)
  8. Setapp ($120)
  9. Six Colors ($60)
  10. Digital Ocean ($60)
  11. Slate Plus ($59)
  12. Micro.blog ($60)
  13. iCloud Drive ($120)
  14. The Incomparable ($60)
  15. Feedbin ($30)
  16. Backblaze ($60)

Total: $1,422

I think I might be missing a few things. The overall cost there is not insignificant, but I have a hard time knowing what I’d cut. Right now, I’d say the three most vulnerable are The Incomparable (I listen a lot less than I used to), Digital Ocean (I could probably just use Netlify), and Micro.blog (I could just use this Hugo site with titleless micro posts).

I’ve saved about $720 a year by cutting the cord and not having traditonal cable, which pays for items 2-6. That makes me feel a little better about the considerable chunk of money I’m spending on these services. I think I’d like to support more journalism then I do. I’ve been toying with getting an Ars Technica membership for a while. It’s one of the few sites I’ve read for literally more than a decade and still really like. And if the Agenda app sticks (I just started using it a few weeks ago), then I think I’m likely going to shell out for the subscription.

Honestly, I’m already feeling the subscription fatigue settle in. How many more $5 per month can I afford

December 26, 2018

I know I’m late to the party, but Apple Photo’s Auto Enhance is incredible. It’s made some horrible photos from 2003 come to life with far better white balance and lighting.

2005 was a very weird time in my computing life.

December 23, 2018

How do you not love a local comic book store/bar that has this in the window display?

December 21, 2018

Without specifically trying, 18 of the 30 books I read this year were written by women. Not bad. Didn’t do so well on POC (I think 3/30).

December 19, 2018

For the second time in like four years, Worth It, stuff I read in the last few days that seemed worth sharing.

December 18, 2018

Sometimes product management is about figuring out what must have feature makes it impossible to deliver on another must have solution.

It’s possible that no customer feels products have offered a solution because it’s simply not feasible.

December 17, 2018

Does anything I do on a computer invoke “power” less than PowerPoint?

December 15, 2018

With one HomePod, I though the sound was pretty good, but a bit small. I have lots of great “big speakers” around and I was impressed with the sound from a small, mono source. But with two, I have really noticed the wide sound stage and room filling effect.

Unfortunately, I also realize how strange the voicing of these speakers are. There’s definitely something plinky at the edge of the high end. There are some tracks that actually almost sound like popping on the HomePod. Then there’s also what I’m perceiving as a scoop somewhere in the low mids, but it could also be a boost in the high mids. There are just some frequencies that feel like they’re missing and hollowed out.

The bass is impressive and not false at all. These things move air and sound good and don’t give out.

I didn’t realize until a friend told me that the HomePod is basically a single down firing woofer and 8 tweeters. That’s kind of what the HomePod sounds like— I wish it was 1/3 taller and had four drivers around the main body with four tweeters able and one down firing woofer. That would sound amazing I’m sure.

December 14, 2018

I’ve been a Tomorrow Night Bright person for a long time. Any color themes I should be looking at for a change?

Anyone else notice you can’t use the left arrow to go “back” in the new Mac App Store? Bugs the hell out of me.

December 11, 2018

I am happy to report the ECG feature on my Apple Watch says that things are ok.

I’ve had a small, irrational fear that I’d be going to the hospital immediately upon first use of this feature.

December 7, 2018

Afternoon stroll through the Warehouse District.